Clear Quartz Crystal Clusters (Brazil) CQC16


1 in stock


“Stone of Multiplying Energy”

The qualities of the clear quartz, the easiest stone to program, is an ideal stone to use for manifesting and visioning. Quartz is an energy mover and can even transform energy, which is why it is used in watches, radios, etc. This quality also helps quartz to act as a master healer and assists in spiritual evolution. Quartz enhances the properties of any other crystal it is used with. Holding a quartz doubles your energy field.

Crystal Clusters: Crystals clusters radiate a lot of energy, are easy to program, and are an ideal choice for bringing more harmony to an environment.  They are very useful with group dynamics whether at home or work, as they help to transmute negative energy and harmonize and improve the way people are relating to each other.  Crystal clusters are also great for cleaning other crystals! Leave them on or next to the cluster overnight. (Note: They also need to be cleansed themselves! They are working 24/7 to energize, lighten, and cleanse any ‘bad vibes’ in their surroundings.  Think of clusters as a crystal team, working in harmony, to bring more pure light, energy, and positive vibes into your space.)

Etched Quartz Crystals: Etchings are caused by mineral inclusions or water during the crystals formation that have since dissolved. They are considered filled with stored information and that the etching is likened to braille or hieroglyphics to be read.  They help one to access ancient and hidden knowledge, training, and healing skills from past lives as well as within all civilization that has been before. If you see a particular drawing or shape that has meaning for you it can work as a talisman or sigil for that purpose. Reading or gazing with the crystal, allow your eyes to gaze with soft focus, initiate meditative breathing, relax, and receive. Also, close your eyes and feel the crystals markings using your fingertips in a similar meditative state.

Included stones: can include minerals such as Tourmaline, Chlorite, Rutile, Titanium, Iron chlorite, hematite and many more. Included stones carry the energy of itself, plus the energy of the inclusion inside. Red usually means iron or hematite.

Isis Face Crystal: Isis face crystals, as the name suggests, is associated with all Goddess energies.  They are a wonderful tool to assist with the balancing of masculine and feminine energies as well as to bring balance into one’s life.  These crystals have a five-sided face, and this represents the 4 elements earth, wind, Fire and Water plus yourself. They crystals facilitate empathy, without getting the trap of getting caught up in other’s storms.  A great stone to work with for access to Divine Feminine energies, intuition, inner power, wisdom, grief, heart healing, nurturing and spiritual growth.

4.37 x 1.64 x 1.89 in



Guide for Understanding Crystal Weights and Measures: 

1 inch is  25mm or 2.5cm           1 lb ( pound) is 453 grams

1/2 inch is  12.5mm                     2.2 lbs (pounds) is 1000 g

1/4 inch is 6.35mm                      28.35 g is 1 oz



included, etchings, Isis