Tips and Tricks to Consciousness: Fengshui


By: Sierra Glenn*

Many have heard of Feng Shui and scoffed at it, thinking it is a rigorous discipline and not understanding what it truly is: guidelines to happier and healthier living. Feng Shui is the basic principle that arrangement, color schemes, and clutter in the home can affect the way you live. Your career, health, creativity, reputation, relationships, prosperity, and studies can all be affected by Feng Shui. These aspects of your life are all sections on the Feng Shui map, or bagua. The bagua can be overlaid onto the blue print of a home, designating specific rooms as sections on the map. The bagua can be used to map out sections in individual rooms as well. For example, the Family section is the middle left section on the bagua, which is the kitchen in my house. It is also the middle left section in my bedroom, which is my closet, and the middle left section in my sisterโ€™s room and so on and so forth. Clutter in any section of the bagua can affect your success and happiness, so before you change ANYTHING in your home, make sure you get rid of old or negative objects that do not have a purpose anymore. This includes the clutter in your closets and garage. What is no longer needed? Can your closet space be utilized to its fullest potential? These are the first steps to increase the balance and harmony in your home and in your life.  


If you still feel the energy in your house is blocked, then refer to the bagua to find out which sections correspond to each room. The Knowledge and Wisdom, Career, and Helpful People section are always where you will find the front entrance to your home. It is most commonly in the Career section, which is the Front Middle section of the bagua. You do not want clutter in this section of your bagua, nor do you want a restroom or fireplace, for both cause instability within the Career aspect of your life. This section is represented by the element of water, and the color scheme is light blues and black. Water fountains, mirrors, healthy plants, lamps, and any accent item in blue or black all enhance the Career section. Objects that remind you of the field you wish to be successful in should also be placed in the Career section, for it will help you manifest it into your life.  

The center of the bagua is the Health and Well-being section – your health is at the center of your life. If you do not feel well physically, you will not be able to grow or succeed at the tasks at hand. If this section is cluttered or has a bathroom in it, then it can really affect your health. Hanging a mirror on the restroom door facing away from the restroom is one way to keep that energy from contaminating your Health center. Earth and sun energies support this section of the bagua, so use yellows and greens as accent colors. Placing plants, fresh flowers, and/or artwork of nature, flowers, and calming scenes will all bring balance to the Health center.  


The bagua section above your Health and Well-being center is the Fame and Reputation section, which is the Top Middle of the bagua map. This section may or may not be part of your home (mine is in the back yard), so you will need to utilize more techniques to bring it into harmony with the rest of the house. There should NOT be water in this section. No fountains, bathrooms, pools, or hot tubs can be in this section, because it is represented by fire, and water always puts fire out. Tall healthy plants, red, yellow, and orange accent objects, fireplaces, candles, and/or artwork of sun, fire, and sunsets will enhance the energy in this section of the bagua.  

Hand drawing heart in sand on the beach

To the right of the Fame and Reputation section is Love and Relationships, which is represented by the element of earth. You want this aspect of your life stable, so no bathrooms, water fountains, or fireplaces should be in this section. If there are, then shut the door to the restroom, keep the toilet lid down, and balance the fireplace out by placing a vase of fresh flowers near it. Pinks, peaches, and whites are all colors for this section. You can add healthy plants, Himalayan salt lamps, colorful scented candles, pottery, Rose Quartz and Amethyst crystals, silk or velvet drapes and pillows, pairs of statues or other objects that represent love to you, and photos or artwork of couples. Items in twos will set the intention that you want to find/keep your partner.  


To the left of the Fame and Reputation section is Wealth and Prosperity, which is represented by wind and water, however restrooms in this section are (again) bad because you are literally flushing your money down the drain. Close the toilet lid, doors, and put a mirror on the door facing out of the restroom to block energy from going into the restroom. Fire in the Prosperity section is also bad, for it is too unstable and โ€œburnsโ€ your money away. Counteract a fireplace with a water fountain or fresh dish of water, so that the energy is balanced. This section needs to be free of clutter. ALWAYS. Other ways to enhance the energy of the Prosperity section is by bringing in red, gold, green, or purple items, large leafy plants, water fountains (HIGHLY recommended in this section), lamps with red shades, mirrors reflecting a plant, and/or red and gold flowers.  


The Middle Left section of the bagua is the Family section. This section, as you could have guessed, is all about the healthy relationships between you and your family members, so it is suggested that no negative or dead objects are in this section. Green is the best color for the Family center, and healthy plants, silk or fresh flowers, wooden objects, photos of family, and heirlooms all increase this energy so that your familial relationships can grow and blossom as they should.  


The Front Left section is Knowledge and Wisdom on the bagua, which is represented by deep blues and greens. Clutter or books you do not like will only block the energy of this section. Lamps, candles, healthy plants, books (old books are best!), videos, photos of enlightened people, artwork of mountains or peaceful gardens, flowers, and/or water fountains all heighten the Knowledge and Wisdom aspect of your home and your life. Have fun with this section, for your physical representations of what knowledge you have or desire to learn are all very important in making your life more balanced and successful.  


The Front Right section is the Helpful People section, or as I like to call it, the โ€œMentorโ€ section. This center is all about bringing people and beings who inspire you into your life, so that you can gain guidance from them. These can be gods, goddesses, angels, healers, teachers, actors, authors, even musicians who inspire you. Items of black, gray, white, and silver enhance the Mentor aspect, as do lamps, water fountains, plants, and a treasure box with the guidance you are seeking. This guidance can change often, but it is important to always state what it is you wish to manifest. Be specific in this section.  


I have saved my favorite section of the bagua for last because I have so much interest in this one. The Right Middle section of the bagua is Creativity and Children, and is represented by water and lakes, since these are elements that are meant to inspire you, and help calm your emotions since that is what creativity is supposed to do. This aspect of the bagua is all about self-expression and playful energy – getting out of your head so you can have fun in your life. It gives you a chance to express without being overwhelmed by what is around you. The colors are white and light pastels. Again, absolutely no clutter or negative imagery should be in this section. Live plants, lamps, art supplies of your choice, metal frames and holders, musical players or instruments, photos, sculptures, and/ or literature that inspires you should be in this section to increase your creative energy and allow you to express your authentic self.   These are just some guidelines of Feng Shui I have picked up through my studies and personal experiences. There are many more tips and tricks that will help you cleanse your home and make your life the successful, harmonious life you deserve. Good luck in your journeys! Sierra Glenn
Sierra Glenn is the Assistant Manager of Soul Centered. Her own paranormal experiences beginning at a young age led her to the study of metaphysics. Sierraโ€™s main area of focus is working with crystals and exploring how they can benefit daily life.     *Barrett, Jayme. Fengshui Your Life 1st ed. Print: 2003.

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