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XL Trans-Channel or Dow Quartz Point (Old Stock) Brazil CQP01
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XL Trans-Channel or Dow Quartz Point (Old Stock) Brazil is rare due to it’s size as well as the fact it is a dow or trans-channel point.
“Stone of Multiplying Energy”
The qualities of the clear quartz, the easiest stone to program, is an ideal stone to use for manifesting and visioning. Quartz is an energy mover and can even transform energy, which is why it is used in watches, radios, etc. This quality also helps quartz to act as a master healer and assists in spiritual evolution. Quartz enhances the properties of any other crystal it is used with. Holding a quartz doubles your energy field.
Dow or Trans-Channeling Crystal: has three 7-edged channel faces, alternating with three triangular faces. Dow Crystals are also called Trans-Channeling crystals because they are both Transmitters and Channeling crystals in one. Channeling crystals are used for communications with the higher levels of the Spirit World. Transmitters are crystals used for long distance communication. Dow, or Trans-Channeling crystals are super rare combination of these two attributes in a single crystal. They are an excellent choice for those wishing to communicate with their spirit guides, angels, loved ones who have passed over, and higher vibrational beings. They are also an exceptionally good tool for broadcasting and sending long-distance healing, love and light! This configuration is also considered the most powerful conduit for gaining wisdom and understanding from the higher energy levels and beings! They are strong promoters of conscious wisdom, flow, connection to all that is. Dows are said to bring harmony and peace in one’s life. This configuration was well known by the Hopi and other Native Americans of the South West, and it was termed a “Grandfather” crystal as it was considered a “gift from the ancestors” for it’s work as a connecter to the spiritual.
Rainbows: The gift these lovelies bring is upliftment, positivity, hope, and joy. A wonderful aide when working to eliminate depression and disappointment. Just as the rainbow appears in the sky after a storm, the rainbow appears in crystals due to a shock or trauma to the crystal. Without the damage, the rainbow would never have happened. This is like our own shocks, traumas and “life lessons”. Looking back, we often find a healing gift or new wisdom. Rainbow crystals bring happiness to the user, as well as the positivity to try once more.
Iron included: sometimes referred to as iron oxide quartz, it is the perfect stone of alchemy, grounding, protection, and energy! Iron oxide is hematite. Hematite forms in many colors from red and brown to silver and grey. The way to identify hematite in quartz is the reddish color. Iron in crystals adds a greater ability to manifest, energize and amplify energy. Due to its metallic quality, it is also known to help heal the past, by reflecting light onto dark situations. It also adds a root chakra element, which bestows feelings of security, empowerment, grounding, and healthy boundaries. Helpful for balancing mind, body, spirit, and directing positive intentions for manifesting on every level.
Old stock: Soul Centered and owner Diane Silvester have been a trusted name in metaphysics since 2004. As an empath, healer and owner of Soul Centered, (a metaphysical shopped in the vortex of Ojai, Ca 2004-2016) Diane had the privilege of hand selecting these treasures from the very finest sources who would come straight from Tucson with their vans overflowing. Following her intuition, Diane carefully stored her favorites away for the right time to offer them to the public. Much within the old stock have become unavailable or rare now. We look forward to seeing who these high vibe beauties are meant for!
4.1 lbs
6.5 x 3.38 x 4.01 inches
Transchanneling, inclusions, rainbows, iron