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Introduction to reading the Advanced Oracle Workbook (60-75 minutes) (Coming this Fall, date TBA)
Introduction to reading the Advanced Oracle Workbook (60-75 minutes) June 30, 2024
Discover the secrets hidden in the layouts of the Destiny Cards (Cardology). This class will show you how to read a yearly layout and its meanings. Discover how to uncover additional card influences that are not included in books. Required materials: The Advanced Oracle Workbook (PDF or print version) by Robert Lee Camp.
Introduction to Cardology: How to Read Destiny Cards (90 minutes)
Learn how you can discover for yourself what’s ‘in the cards’ for you and the most important people in your life, using this amazingly accurate ancient science known as “Destiny Cards,” or “Cardology.” A blend of astrology, numbers and the deck of 52 playing cards, it’s quicker and easier to learn than traditional astrology. In this class, Lisa will show you how to do readings for yourself and others. Required materials:”Cards of Your Destiny” and “Love Cards” by Robert Lee Camp.
or a teacher approved working knowledge of the system.